Can Leopard Geckos Live Together?

by David Lowbridge
reptiles for sale

Leopard geckos are a great beginner reptile for young and old. And often those who get one for their family think about getting a second. What some people then try to do is to cohabit the two leopard geckos together. However, there are some issues with this. So in this article, we will discuss whether leopard geckos can live together.

Leopard Geckos In the Wild?

Research in the wild has found that leopard geckos live in loose colonies. This means that several leopards, usually one male with several females in one area. They tend to have several communal areas, where the geckos will poop, and one area where eggs are laid.

This demonstrates that there might be some form of social intelligence.

However, leopard geckos will not hunt or spend much time socially. Their time together is mostly for convenience and will disperse if there are social issues or resource shortages. And the leopard geckos create social networks that are like a rabbit warren, where there are lots of areas to hide from each other. So while they might be hiding in the same wall structure, they might not be in the same crevice and can’t see each other.

And the structures they hide in can be massive.

Leopard Geckos in Captivity

In captivity many people think that the same can apply. Especially when pairing several females into one enclosure. While this might have some success, it can often not always be the case. And this is for several reasons.

For one, the size of most enclosures, even a four-foot vivarium, is much smaller than they can inhabit in the wild. Plus, the structures that we build in captivity can’t effectively replicate the structures that are present in the natural environment, not without risking being unable to see or lose a leopard gecko in the labyrinth

In addition, leopard geckos don’t hunt together. Therefore, the shared food bowl or adding in food for all the geckos to feed from will initiate competition between the housemates.

In addition, we tend not to have multiple hides within an enclosure besides the standard cold, warm, and moist hide. To replicate the same conditions as the wild, there should be multiple hides for the warm side, cold side, and possibly moist hide.

And to do that, you would minimize the space that could be used for other enrichment, and replicating other essentials for the leopard geckos. In addition, you wouldn’t be able to have multiple food and water bowls, which would be essential.

A final problem could be the potential for conflict, which considering the above limitations on resources/habitat creation, could be potentially high. Some leopard geckos might live in a group for numerous years without issue, but then a fight might happen because of a sudden lack of resources or a personal conflict.

Final Word: Can Leopard Geckos Live Together?

There are some examples of leopard geckos living together in captivity, but that isn’t always a wise idea. We can’t always replicate the best conditions for communal living. Instead, leopard geckos should always be kept individually, at least because they protect individuals in our care from injury. So although wild colonies might exist, in captivity, it is best not to keep them together.

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